
Map on the window. You’re free to draw the map where you want, with the color you want, ... You must provide a way to enable/disable it during the execution. Include the player’s line of sight in the map.

Some enemies!

Example from the game Wolfenstein 3D:
Multi task!
A way to move on several directions and rotate at the same time. Basically, in this part, you’ll have to handle multiple events on the same frame.

For example, if the keys to move are w, a, s, d:
- If the keys w and s are pressed at the same time, the player shouldn’t move.
- If the keys w and d are pressed at the same time, the player should move forward and right at the same time.

Ground textures:
Textures on the ground and/or on the ceiling!

Weapons textures!

Make it rain:
Rain and a possibility to stop/start the rain with a key.

Extra option:
Shadows, special lighting

This is a Portfolio Project for Holberton School click the rocket!!